Mediation and the Self: Why AI cannot (yet) show non-dual awareness, 21-23 June 2024
5th Woodenfish Forum on Buddhism, Consciousness and AI, Taipei, Taiwan

Unconsciousness and Brain - Unresolved Mysteries @ American University of Armenia

Interview about Space-Time, Self & Consciousness with Dr. Aldrich Chan from the Center for Neuropsychology and Consciousness

From brain to mind: A spatiotemporal appraoch @ the international forum for "Frontiers of Psychoanalysis", China

From neurodynamics to psychodynamics neuropsychoanalysis @ the international forum for "Frontiers of Psychoanalysis", China
See also my book “Neuropsychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction“ available here

TNB Talk by Saket Kumar

MindScapes Conference 23

Celebrating the publication of my book “Neuro-Philosophy and the Healthy Mind: Learning from the Unwell Brain” into Chinese, I gave a brief overview for the National Taiwan University Press.

Time, Brain & Art @ Konzerthaus Berlin April 18. 2023

and here is a discussion that followed the talk above:

Talk on Catatonia @ The Royal Ottawa July 5, 2023

What is Spatiotemporal Psychiatry? A novel approach

A Conversation on "What is common between Consciousness and the Universe?"- West and East: TTC and the Neurophysiological Effects of Meditation.

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Peñalolén, Chile 2023-05-29

Akian College of Science & Engineering, American University of Armenia 2023-05-12

Mediterranean Society for Consciousness Science Winter School 2023

Xiamen University 2023-03-10

Bucharest Student Neuro Conference 2022

Seminaro internacional sobre neuroetica
Nov 17 2022 Santiago, Chile

6th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research
Feb 22-25 2022

International Conference on Exploring Consciusness
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences - 23rd September 2022
for the correct timestamp go to or directly to 2:03:30

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Emerging Trends in Cognitive Sciences Webinar - 2022-06-07

The "Common Currency" of Brain and Mind - A spatiotemporal Approach
@ 19th Turkish Neuroscience Congress on 21-23 November 2021

The brain and its mind - A spatiotemporal apparoach
See here for a version with russian live translation

Keynote Talk on “Temporo-spatial theory of consciousness” @ NIMHANS CCS-ICPR Webinar 2021

Neuroscience of Identity and Culture @ 2021 Geopolitics and Global Futures Symposium

Dr. Northoff presents a summary of his “Temporospatial Theory of Consciousnesses (TTC)”

Interview with Zoomposium on August 12, 2021

Time and AI @ Sci Foo Alumni Lightning Talks July 29-31, 2021

Can artificial inteligence help in the therapy of the locked in syndrome?

The insula - why it is so important for the self and its psychiatric disorders
42e Symposium international en neurosciences de l’Université de Montréal May 11 2021

Copernican revolution


Hard problem of consciousness

Self & mid-line structures

The Depth of the Self

Four questions answered by Prof. Northoff on Self and Consciousness

Neurophilosophy and the Healthy Mind: Learning from the Unwell Brain

2019 Taipei International Book Fair

Self & Brain

World Congress of Psychiatry, 2019

What provides the glue between different levels of explanation? A spatiotemporal approach


Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry V

Self and brain

XXII National Congress of the Italian Society of Psychopathology

Psychopathology: Connections, Cultures, Conflicts

XXII National Congress of the Italian Society of Psychopathology

Spontaneous Brain Activity and Stimuli Interaction

Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology, University of Waterloo

What the brain's spontaneous activity can tell us about psychiatric symptoms - spatiotemporal psychopathology

Department of Psychiatry, McMaster University.

What is the Brain? How can such “Grey Pulpy Gruesome Device” yield mental features like Self and its changes?


What is the Brain?

What Brain Imaging Can Tell Us About Self and Consciousness?

What Our Brain and Its Spontaneous Activity Can Tell Us About the Self?

"Lecture given at the Symposium 'Quasi-Emotions, Fiction and Self: Philosophical and Neurocognitive Perspectives' at Collège de France, 28 january 2016"

National Brain Research Centre(Manesar,India )12th Foundation Day Public Lecture (16-12-2015)

National Brain Research Centre, Post Lecture Discussion.

Georg Northoff - Are Self & Consciousness In The Brain?
TALK ON MINDING THE BRAIN at palgrave macmillan IN LONDON 2014

CNS Neurosurgery®: Editors Choice Fall 2014 live online learning course
Recording of online learning seminar with Georg Northoff here

Dr. Georg Northoff talks about the neurophilosophy in researching the brain

Dr. Northoff Presents: What is the Brain?

What is the Brain? A Neurophilosophical Approach

Philosophy and the Brain -- Do we need a Non-Reductive Neurophilosophy?

"Neuropsychoanalysis, How Can We Practice Such A Transdisciplinary Enterprise?" p.1

"Neuropsychoanalysis, How Can We Practice Such A Transdisciplinary Enterprise?" p.2

Speciale Sopsi 2014: The Self and the Time

Dr. Blier and Dr. Northoff talk: the PET-fMRI machine

Dr. Georg Northoff talks about catatonia

Dr. Georg Northoff talks about depression

Center for Process Studies: Resting State Activity and the Environment

Conversations at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Institute - part 1

Conversations at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Institute - part 2

Conversations at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Institute - part 3

Conversations at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Institute - part 4