Brain Space Time Podcast - 2023/07/10

In German: Radiosendung MDR Kultur vom Sa, 27.05.2023

Talks On Psychoanalysis
Time matters - the self and its continuity

German Edition: Zeitliche Konitnuität und das Selbst

Listen to this episode from Towards Data Science on Spotify. For the past decade, progress in AI has mostly been driven by deep learning - a field of research that draws inspiration directly from the structure and function of the human brain.

BS 174 is an interview with neuroscientist and philosopher Georg Northoff about his fascinating book "The Spontaneous Brain: From the Mind-Body to the World-Brain Problem." We explore the significance of the growing evidence that most of the brain's activity occurs independently of external stimuli with a focus on the implications of this finding for our understanding of how the brain generates consciousness.