“You see, I’m already a nobody, why work so hard to be one?” From a Bektashi joke


Yasir Çatal

Research assistant

Yasir is a MD from Turkey, who wanted to be a physicist in high school, psychiatrist in university. He ended up as a filiation worker due to the pandemic. He is interested in consciousness studies, representation of time in the brain, phenomenal experience of time, modelling brain activity using concepts from physics, music (theory and practice, extreme metal in particular), the relationship of brain activity and music, tea and analytical philosophy.

In his free time Yasir is a Guitarist / Composer / Drum programmer in Dog In The Burning House. He can be seen in the wilderness of Istanbul streets taking samples from COVID patients when he’s not trying to write scientific code and failing at it fabulously.

Personal Websites: catalyasir@gmail.com /
dogintheburninghouse.bandcamp.com (Also available in Youtube and streaming platform of your
preference (e.g. Spotify, Tidal etc.)